Thursday, June 19, 2008

Things I want to do this Summer or before I turn 24 (at the end of the summer)

Alright folks. I like to set goals and since I'm not meeting the ones I had set earlier (job, apartment, graduate school applications, gallery show - and I mean I haven't accomplished one) I have set some new goals. Also thought it might be fun to articulate all those activities and places I want to do this summer.

To do:
  • Run 5 miles. I've run three several times, but I haven't run at all in a week and a half. I suspect I'm punishing myself on some level because I also haven't painted. Exercise and painting both make me feel good about myself and it's not happening. Is odd.
  • Go to Cyrano's on Wells. I've actually wanted to do this since my sister's graduation party in 2001. I remember it being fabulous and delicious. Plus I think they have a cabaret.
  • Find someone with a summer house in Michigan and take advantage of their hospitality.
  • Have thin arms. Lifelong goal, no idea how to accomplish it.
  • Find my Coach wallet.
  • Go to Chicago Summerdance at least once.

1 comment:

chemskank said...

good goals! they shouldn't be so hard to accomplish with a little perseverence