Friday, June 27, 2008

Men's Issues

So today I was talking to my friend Renna and she explained the Madonna/whore complex in a way that I was never able to understand before. Apparently some men, especially those who have had issues with their mother, had their hearts broken, or have womanizing fathers, find it easier to separate women into two categories: those they like and respect (Friends) and those who will sleep with them (Hos). Reconciling the two requires that men open up their hearts and take the risk that they fall will hard for their woman (for how could they not love someone they admire, respect, and love to sleep with?). And if they really like the person and feel they aren't deserving of her affections then they probably fear abandonment like whoa.
Ah, fear. The enemy of love.
But Yay! I am a smarter person today than I was yesterday!

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