Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Celtics Win!

The Boston Celtics won big time tonight against the LA Lakers 131-92 which makes this the Celtic's 17th NBA championship. Hurrah!

Even though I spent four years in LA and none in Boston, I was pulling for the Celtics (though the fact that the team name is mispronounced continues to upset me) mostly because I can't stand Kobe Bryant. His attitude made Shaq leave. Shaq! Who starred in Kazzam? Who could be harder to piss off than fuzzy-good-times star of all those sweet cereal commercials, Shaquille O'Neal?

Most of all, I dislike Kobe because he cheated on his wife (probably more than once) and damaged another woman in the process. And he ugly.
Of course, it does not speak well of Mrs. Bryant that she accepted the $4 million ring he gave her AND stayed with him! Hunh. (What's up with scorned women standing by their "men"?)

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