Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Best Movie Quotes: Gilda

I love love love the 1946 film Gilda starring Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford. Do rent it immediately and be prepared for film noir at its most glamorous. In addition to beautiful people the movie has witty dialogue between the hateful former lovers Johnny Farrell (Glenn Ford) and Gilda Mundson (Rita Hayworth) For instance:
Johnny Farrell
: Doesn't it bother you at all that you're married? Gilda: What I want to know is, does it bother you?

Ballin Mundson (Gilda's husband): Gilda, are you decent? Gilda: Me? [long pause] Sure. I'm decent.

Johnny is writhing with jealousy throughout most of the film. Gilda taunts him buy going off with other men. As the wife of his boss, Ballin Mundson, Johnny tries to keep Gilda within the bounds of propriety.
Johnny Farrell: Pardon me, but your husband is showing.

Gilda is a bad ass. I want to be just like her when I grow up. (Hmm how do I get 1940s hair and amazing features?)

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