Monday, June 23, 2008

James McAvoy redux

James McAvoy was Jon Stewart's guest on the Daily Show tonight. Now he is a panty-dropper. That accent, the eyebrows, the dark hair, the melting brown eyes, wicked sense of humor. He looked good in his jacket. Jon Stewart loved McAvoy's new action movie, Wanted, which I might actually go see even though a) I don't usually see action flicks or b) like to see Angelina Jolie act. But for the pleasure of staring at his face magnified 25 times I would pay $10.50. Rather, I would go on a date with someone who would pay for the movie and pretend I think my date is hotter than James McAvoy.

When she saw him on the Daily Show, my mother said, "He's not all that good-looking." I shushed her. I love my men non-traditionally handsome and funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so you know.... he has blue eyes. But other than that, I agree with you 110%.