Thursday, June 19, 2008

Things I like and do not like about Summer

Some things about the summer are wonderful! and some are not. I will try to avoid listing things that vex everyone such as mosquitoes and traffic jams headed to the beach. But!

Je n'aime pas:
  1. The red marks on the side of the nose after wearing sunglasses
  2. Sun burns (counteracted by always wearing sunscreen. Keeps you cooler too)
  3. Tan lines on feet because then your feet just look dirty
  4. Restaurants whose sidewalk cafes take up 70% of the sidewalk
  5. People standing outside sidewalk cafes waiting for a table taking up another 20% of the sidewalk.
  6. Sitting on the beach one can see every errant hair that wasn't shaved/plucked because the sunlight reveals everything. This one should be filed under "things that really bother me but probably shouldn't"
  7. Feeling insecure at the beach because you aren't as fit and thin as the people playing perfect volleyball in the sand. This was especially a problem in California. I will never be a size 4! why!!?!
  8. Warm bottled water. Have solved this problem by taking coffee-to-go-cups and filling them with ice and water. Mmmm...
  9. Ever notice that it is impossible to keep sand off the beach towel? I heard that using two towels draped on each other can prevent that, but I don't believe it. The sand on the towel leads to that other dread problem: sand in the crotch.
  10. Can't bake scones or make lasagna because turning on the oven heats up the house intolerably.
Je l'aime beaucoup
  1. Sand is a great exfoliator
  2. Sidewalk cafes are lovely to sit at
  3. Long days of sunshine boost the mood
  4. Living in cities one can avoid evil mosquito traps
  5. Reading on the beach.
  6. Watching happy little kids play in the water. (As long as one doesn't actually go in because of said little kids peeing in the water. Not to mention fish, bugs and slimy things that live in lakes and oceans)
  7. Iced treats
  8. Vacation time!
  9. Everyone generally in good mood.
  10. Excuse for lazing about and doing nothing.
  11. Excuse to not cook but order in as is "too hot to cook" (Let other people sweat in steamy kitchens)
  12. Compelling reason to exercise so as to not have excess body fat which keeps you warmer and desire to not look like vanilla pudding at the beach.
  13. Longer days mean longer time to sit on roof drinking iced margaritas. Mmmm....

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