Sunday, June 1, 2008

Best Movie Quotes: Knocked Up

In Knocked Up (2007), Ben Stone and his friends discuss the awesome movie "Munich" and the pride they subsequently feel gives them the courage to talk to ladies and inadvertently inseminate them.

Ben Stone: “You know what movie I just saw again the other day, which is just fucking mindblowing? Munich.’”

Friends: “‘Munich!"

Ben Stone: “That movie has Eric Bana kicking ass. Every movie with Jews, we’re the ones getting killed. ‘Munich’ flips it on its ear. We’re capping [people].”

Jonah: “Not only killing, but taking names.”

Ben Stone: “If any of us get laid tonight it’s because of Eric Bana and ‘Munich.’”

Martin: Whatever. I'm glad I'm not a Jew.

Ben Stone: So are we...
Ben Stone: You weren't chosen for a reason."

I wasn't chosen either but I still appreciate.

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