Friday, July 25, 2008

New Boyfriend

I've been thinking a lot about what I want my next boyfriend to be like. First and foremost, I want him to be a coffee drinker so that getting coffee in the mornings is just as much a priority to him as it is to me! Then, hopefully he doesn't drink girlie coffee, like mochas, or order the same thing all the time. I like a man who can mix it up.
Next, I hope he is in good enough shape so he doesn't get out of breath during physical exertion.
I want him to have a heart of gold. To love me, to love his family and my family. Ideally he would belong to a church or other faith group, as long as it's not "religion lite".
He has a beautiful singing voice but is too modest to brag about it.
He is smart but doesn't go on polemics that bore me.
He WANTS to be in a relationship.
He was never a man-whore and he is STD-free.
He wants to give me the wedding of my dreams and to have a family. He wants to adopt a special-needs child.
He is kind to children and animals.
He is empathetic and a great listener. He has compassion for human foibles, but keeps it real.
His home is clean and he is fairly well organized.
He doesn't have a pornography collection or subscribe to magazines that he wouldn't show to his grandmother.
He is passionate about a lot of things.
He doesn't use illegal drugs of any kind. He doesn't abuse alcohol.
He rejoices in the love I have for him.
He volunteers his time to worthy causes.
He makes me laugh, and laughs at my jokes.

He doesn't judge me or make me justify myself.
He loves to travel and take vacations.
He frequently surprises me with delightful presents.
He is not a right-winger.
He is a sports fan.
He has lots of friends.
He likes to cook, and likes to order take-out.
He gives excellent massages.
He always tells me I am beautiful, especially when I dress up for a date.
He is naturally affectionate.
He is not a whiner.
He is not self-centered, self-indulgent, or irresponsible.
He calls.
He shows up.
He is gracious and engaged at family parties.
He kindly corrects me when I am off track.
He gets it.

Is this a dream? Henry Cavill (Charles Brandon on the Tudors) would do in a pinch. haha

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