Monday, July 14, 2008

Stress Reduction and Wellness: Day 1 night time

Hello Friends,
This is today's progress report. I think I was mildly successful.
Tip #1: "Relax your standards. Count the things that are going right in your life!" Here goes:
  1. Haven't had a car accident in ten weeks.
  2. Have lots of mini-businesses going (hustling, hustling)
  3. Went for a run today - hot.
  4. Had two second-round interviews for jobs, one of which I want.
  5. Am in perfect health. Haven't been plagued by migraines, colds, infections, or rapid hair loss.
  6. No one I know is dying. Everyone is in pretty good health.
  7. Mad Men starts again July 27. Yay!!!
  8. I have a roof over my head, plenty of clothing, and food enough to make me Ruben-esque.
  9. Barack Obama will soon be president and maybe then the economy will get out of the latrine.
  10. I get to sign up for a weekly yoga class. (Just need to get over to the studio.)
  11. My computer and cell phone are working fine.
  12. Have some dates with friends lined up.
My therapist says that whatever you focus on expands, so if I don't want to be in a crippling depression I should not think about the following:
  1. Two of my closest friends are moving to New York and D.C. respectively, this fall.
  2. I have no job and health insurance costs $469.31/month
  3. My pseudo-boyfriend wants to break up because he has commitment issues. fun.
  4. Broke broke broke
  5. I live at home with my mother and sister, in an apartment that seems too small for all of us.
  6. I have a B.A. from an elite college and I'm cleaning houses to pay COBRA. (also a good thing)
  7. My favorite inventions of the 20th century are air conditioning, contact lenses, and prozac.
Tip #2: "Simplify" I did not get a chance to simplify my living space. Did however, simplify my problems by taking a nap.
Tip #3 "Don't put up with something that doesn't work right - fix or replace things that are constant aggravations." Today I did throw out the raggedy gray sweatpants and tossed the dilapidated sewing box down the trash chute. Now, I have a swarm of thread, pins, and needles taking over my bookshelf. This is a vexing situation which requires ingenuity with existing boxes or a trip to Marshalls.
I did not replace the sulfur bit on my matchbox. Can I still do that? Eh, no idea where the matches are and won't search for them tonight. Threw out one bottle of nail polish.
Tip #4 "Get enough sleep. Use an alarm clock to remind you to go to bed." I was partially succesful last night because I did turn off my computer and go to bed at 12 a.m., however I stayed up late reading letters my father received from his aunt (which were dusty and fascinating). So tonight I will try again. Fingers crossed!
Tip #5 "Do especially unpleasant tasks early in the day and get it over with." I tried to do this but my proctoring job was scheduled for 7 p.m. so couldn't do much with that. However, I did take a package to the post office which requires walking a couple miles in the heat while scrambling around slow moving pedestrians.

Okay, I'm sleepy guys. I gotta go to bed. More tomorrow.

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