Friday, July 11, 2008

Funny Story

Dear Gentle Reader,
I know it has been a while since I have written anything but I have been caught up with job interviewing (much more fun than job applying), babysitting endlessly, cleaning houses for cash (new!), cleaning houses for free (old) , and putting family history research together for my nieces in time for their 10th birthday. So in the absence of free-flowing creative ideas from yours truly, please enjoy this story courtesy of Erik:
After turning off a very enjoyable viewing of Nancy Drew – The Movie this evening, Maria and I encountered an Arby’s commercial on “regular” TV. The ad featured the ever popular “beef and cheddar” and as the narrator was describing the many benefits of this sandwich, Maria chimed in by asking what roast beef is made from. In an effort not to confuse, I answered simply, “beef that is roasted”. Maria then asked, “how is that different from ham?”
I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
hahahaha my sister is hysterical. In college some of her friends convinced her that bacon was an animal and she believed them for three minutes. hahaha oh my.

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