Thursday, May 29, 2008

Joys and Vexations

Taking a page from one of my favorite bloggers, Angst in the City, I'm going to list things that bring me joy and things that irritate the heck out of me:
  1. When someone brings me coffee in bed. I love coffee and I love being in bed. This little service makes it easier for me to get up in the morning. It's fact: lovers who do this tend to stay around longer than those who do not.
  2. Flowers - especially roses, lilies, orchids, and tulips
  3. Family and Friends
  4. Swings
  5. Live music
  6. Trains arriving right after you reach the platform
  7. Finding money in pockets
  8. Going to the movies and drinking coca cola that I pre-hid in my bag.
  9. Holding hands
  10. Cleaning/organizing places that have been dirty for a long time.
  11. Giving clothes to charity.
  12. Making tea
  13. Looking through photo albums
  14. Watching the Cubs game with a beer
  15. The cool side of the pillow
  16. Newly sharpened pencils
  17. Barack and Michelle Obama.
  18. Spinach & Artichoke dip and martinis with friends at Matisse.
  19. Falling asleep on airplanes.
  1. People who need to get over themselves
  2. Bad breath after sitting on an airplane or at a concert for too long.
  3. Finding my gum in random places
  4. Photos with red-eye
  5. Bra straps that keep falling down.
  6. People who have long stringy hair and need a hair cut but don't do it because they are bizarrely attached to their long stringy hair.
  7. Having roots when highlights grow out.
  8. People's headphones that are too loud on planes, buses, public places in general.
  9. Changing the toilet paper roll
  10. permanent stains on fabric
  11. Being told to smile or stop yawning by strangers.
  12. Unlabeled photographs..
  13. The heat lamps at train stations that don't turn on until Nov. 1 even though the temperatures dip to 30F by late September
  14. Being late for anything.
  15. Long lines
  16. Slow traffic. Really hate that.
  17. USPS vans that double park on busy thoroughfares because they can.
  18. Po-Po giving me speeding tickets
  19. Belligerent bureaucrats
  20. Overpriced art supplies
  21. The smell of libraries and grocery stores.
  22. Dirty pillowcases
  23. Greasy spots on train and bus windows where people have lain their heads.
  24. Body hair that grows back despite repeated waxing.
I'm sure I will think of more to add to this list.

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