Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Save the Earth? Save yourself!

The green slogans "save the environment" and "protect the earth" and all the other ones that suggest the planet is in danger have it backwards. The earth is more than capable of taking care of itself against predators.

Cases in point: 2008 cyclone in Myanmar, 2005 Hurricane Katrina in the US, 2005 Tsunami in Indonesia, 2008 Earthquake in China, 1999 mudslides in Venezuela, famines around the world, and 2007 tornadoes in the US which wiped out towns in the Middle West have all killed, literally, hundreds of thousands of people. Now, not all of these natural disasters are the result of global warming, but most of them are related to human mismanagement of the earth's resources.

May 4, 2007 - Greenberg Kansas after an F5 tornado.

If the earth has a diety as many faiths believe, then it is more than capable of wreaking vengeance on its inhabitants
So don't recycle, drive less, reduce your carbon footprint, support sustainable agriculture, and plant trees to save the environment - do it to save yourself!

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