Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Senator Ted Kennedy

Terrible news: The New York Times reported that Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the patriarch of the Democratic Party, has a malignant brain tumor. I am devastated by the news.

Kennedy went to the hospital a few days ago after a seizure. A biopsy revealed that "he has a malignant glioma in the left parietal lobe."

In his 46 years in the Senate, Kennedy has championed marginalized Americans, focusing his great energies on issues such as health care, education and civil rights. He is respected by Democrats and Republicans for his determination, understanding of policy issues and bipartisanship.

Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) said that Kennedy is "clearly the most influential senator in U.S. history." John Kerry's brother, Cameron Kerry, said that Kennedy "is just such a colossus that this kind of shakes the ground underneath everything."

Summer 2004 I interned on Capitol Hill. I went to a Senate Defense Committee hearing on Abu Grahib to see Hilary Clinton, when lo and behold, I look up and there is Senator Ted Kennedy! I flipped out because I couldn't believe my luck.

I pray his treatment is effective and that he will make a full recovery. America cannot afford to lose such a great legislator.

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