Saturday, September 13, 2008

What Can I Do to Help Barack Win?

If Barack Obama doesn't win the election in November and I didn't try my hardest to make it happen, then I will never forgive myself. That said, I'm wondering if blogging about his policies or the hypocrisy of his opponents will do any good. I'm currently reading his memoir "Dreams From My Father" and it is really good. I mean, he struggled with his identity just like the rest of the us. He has the spark of genius because he recognizes that we have a responsibility to our community, we "are our brother's keeper." I truly believe that.
So I've contacted some people I know on his campaign and asked what I can do. I haven't gotten any concrete answers, but I will keep y'all posted. It's not like I'm short on time - I have plenty! I wore my Obama Girl tshirt today and this Starbucks barista was like "what is an Obama girl?" I was like what do you think it is, moron. So I said "It's the inverse of an Obama boy?" Undeterred, he said "what is an obama boy?" I said "Someone who supports Obama, give me a tall nonfat latte."

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