Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but there has been a lot going on. First of all I've been working a lot which is pimp because it helps pay the bills (cell phone bills, health care bills, credit card bills...) Then I've been trying to land a couple part time jobs which is a little slow because the job hirer is never in as big a rush as you are! Then I've been working on marketing my calligraphy skillz (with a z because they are mad good) to paper stores and wedding planners. Then, I been applying to graduate schools (no z because they are frightening with their ability to reject) for a masters in fine arts and law.
I realized that Law might be a good idea because I want to make enough money to buy a whole bunch of park benches and name them after my father and to get a big monument at the cemetery which won't sink into the ground in 100 years like so many other ones. I was at a cemetery in Springfield, Illinois two days ago, checking out the graves of some ancestors which I had never seen before. Many of the stones were illegible and one had broken and fallen, and another was being eaten by grass. Kind of sad. I really hope that in 100 years my descendants will tend to the family gravestones. As long as someone remembers your name you never really die. In many cultures the ancestors are worshiped, not that I am advocating that because ancestors were people full of flaws and charms like everyone else, but it would be nice to be remembered.
Other things I've been doing: proctoring practice tests for the Princeton Review. I got a polo shirt with the Princeton Review logo on it, mad cool. I've been following the Cubs and Bears games. Today I noticed that I went right for the sports section of the Tribune. I have come a long way as a sports fan! jeez I am impressed with myself.
I've also been hitting up the therapy a lot, which is good for learning how to take care of oneself and to navigate the world. Today I relearned that it is best for me not to hook up with someone repeatedly unless they can offer me a relationship. What I really want in a man is someone who is proud to call me their girlfriend and who will be part of the family (i.e. come to the myriad parties throughout the year) My sister was engaged at 24 and while I am in no hurry to get married it's probably not a good idea to spend time in the vast wasteland of going-nowhere relationships. Unless I am learning something which I am not.
Haven't been exercising enough, but I will get on that on the 25th (oh tomorrow!) because that will give me a month to get in shape before my friend's wedding.
Been listening to a lot of Atmosphere. Great duo. New favorite song is "Yesterday" and I like "Shoes" too.
Alright, time for me to do something career useful.

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