Monday, September 1, 2008

Family Values in the GOP?

Wow. I just heard that Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant - and seventeen. Allegedly, Bristol Palin plans to marry the father. If the boy isn't up for a shot-gun wedding I'm sure the entire Republican party will make him think twice.
I don't think there is anything wrong with having a child so young, it's not a right/wrong situation, but I do think it will make any GOP efforts to promote abstinence-only education look really hypocritical right now.
Anyway, I can't believe that the GOP thinks women who went for Hilary Clinton might go for Sarah Palin. This represents the definition of affirmative action according to right-wingers: one woman is as good as any other. As if one could confuse Senator Clinton, who has a marked record of political activism, with the neophyte mayor of a town of 7,000! in Alaska of all places! What kind of complex social dynamics exist in Alaska? Does the state often brush with international politics? Well, Alaska neighbors Russia which is rather scary right now, to be sure. (Putin, I used to give you mad props bro, but you gotta stop invading other countries!)
Regardless, all the brou-haha will blow over soon and then the GOP will be left with the substance of the ticket: 2 liabilities.
Isn't it poetic justice that Hurricane Gustav landed on the first day of the GOP Convention? haha.

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