Friday, September 5, 2008


I had the best birthday party last night. Seven friends joined me at Cru, and since there was a torrential downpour yesterday, the wine bar was near empty - so we all had seats and could hear each other! I saw old friends, new friends, fiances; everyone had a couple drinks - no raging drunkenness. Everyone got along really well (could be because they are all connected to the legal profession so they have that in common). I was all smiles.
Everyone left after two hours because they had to work but my friend M suggested that we get a drink somewhere else. So we went to the Sofitel bar (my favorite) and had two drinks there and caught up on our lives. By then I was tipsy. But while we were waiting for our check, two Scandinavian businessmen ask if they can join us. On learning of the celebration they order a bottle of Moet and Chandon champagne.

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