Friday, September 26, 2008

Stilettos and Coffee

Day two of walking on over-pressured points. I have blisters on both little toes and one big toe (yech) and walking around in socks and gym shoes made the wee toes ache. So I'm going to venture forth in some new heels and get coffee down the street. Will report back.
(1 hour later)
That wasn't too bad. I just went to the Whispers Cafe and enjoyed a chai tea latte with soy milk. Yummo. I truly was a giantess in these four inch stilletto, yellow, Laundry designed stunners. The first man I passed had his mouth agape and then closed it when I looked at him. I just had my hair cut and styled (for my new job on Monday!) and it looked fierce so maybe it wasn't just the shoes. The best part was that the heels brought my knees up enough so I could write to my friend while sitting on a bench. Hoorah!
Enough for now. Time to babysit!

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