Thursday, September 25, 2008

Adventures in Stillettos

Hello Friends,
So today I started day one of my grand social experiment! The twofold topic: how does wearing high heels affect how others see me? and How long can I wear heels before I go berserk or my feet give out? I'm going to wear high heels for two hours every day for a week and see what happens.
I'm motivated by the 10+ pairs of heels in my closet which I seldom wear, have had for years, and can't seem to give up. Today I chose the open-toe pink suede BCBGirls four-inch heels and wore them as I walked errands around town.
First thing I noticed was that people said "excuse me" and moved out of the way when I passed them on narrow sidewalks. Perhaps because in those shoes I must stand about 6'1" and am therefore a giantess? Men looked at me more than they usually do, and all the clatter of the heels drew attention to me in a most uncomfortable way upon entering stores. So far the only advantage is having the right of way on sidewalks!
Within minutes my fourth left toe began to feel the pinch, even though I had pre-lotioned my feet. Usually when I go out and wear uncomfortable shoes I get a few drinks in me to numb the pain receptors. In the middle of the afternoon that was not an option.
The heels forced me to move slowly and to use my abdominal muscles to stay upright. I also sweat like a mofo but that could have been because of the direct sunlight. An hour later the balls of my feet were chaffed from friction and no cushioning.
Although I had more places to go, after two hours I called it quits and returned home, dragging my tired, limp feet with me.
The rest of today I'm going to wear flats. There is no way I am taking the bus in stillettos. That would not be fair to my fellow passengers! What if I should lose my balance and step on some toes! I guess high heels do make me feel a little sexier but they are also uber-distracting because I keep thinking about my feet instead of the task at hand. Maybe as the week goes on I will get better at not noticing the pain. I am anticipating that I will get all sorts of callouses and cuts. I'll keep you posted. Though really any topic about feet is kind of gross.


ger said...

6'1"! Lucky you!
I wore heels to school the other day because I neglect them, and I felt Amazonian at 5'3", haha.
You'd think standing at an incredible height of 5'0" I'd wear heels more often, but they KILL!
Also, that clicky noise I make when walking down any surface that isn't carpeted embarasses me.

Arria Marcella said...

Haha, thanks Manda. I totally agree about the embarrassing clicky noise and the fact the heels kill.
Apart from me, my family has an average height of 5'4" so it's possible that your children could be really tall.