Sunday, August 24, 2008


I've been nursing this headache for the past two days. I'm thinking it comes from bad lighting or something. I've identified that wine, caffeinated drinks, anxiety, air pressure changes, and depression give me headaches.
I feel like hell today. I did work out though. Last night too. My running skill level is way down from where it was last May, when I quit exercising, but it will come back I hope. It would really make me feel better to achieve one of the goals I set for myself before I turn 24! Since I don't have a job I like, my own apartment, a gallery show, or an application to graduate school, maybe it will be possible for me to run 5 miles before September. Maybe not.
Tomorrow is my Grandma's birthday. If she hadn't died of unnatural causes she would be 93. Born in 1915.
There is too much sorrow in my life.

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