It's time to salute Estelle Getty, the great actress who portrayed Sophia Petrillo on The Golden Girls from 1985-1992. She died July 22 at the age of 84. Sophia is one of the greatest comic tv characters. Sophia always carried a little purse on her arm and had zesty one-liners to tease her daughter and friends.

Blanche: I treat my body like a temple.
Sophia: Yeah, open to everyone, day or night.
Stan: Hello Sophia, you're looking younger every day.
Sophia: Hi Stan, and that's a beautiful toupee you're wearing. Great, now we're both liars.
Stan: I know everything about basketball - it's one of the interesting things about me.
Sophia: Please. You've lived here for two months; there's nothing interesting about you.
Stan: Go on, ask me anything.
Sophia: All right... when are you moving out?
Sophia: You're Blanche's daughter, the model?
Rebecca: That's right.
Sophia: What did she model - car covers?
Sophia: Rose, just remember, you're smarter than people say you are. You've got good sense, and you know what you're doing.
Rose: Oh, Sophia.
Sophia: Blanche, you're a slut.
Blanche: Oh, Sophia.
Dorothy: Ma, Rose isn't talking to me...
Sophia: Enjoy it while it lasts, now good night.
Blanche: Oh girls... I'm just in ecstasy. My body is tingling all over. You will never guess what just happened.
Sophia: We know what happened. Let us just guess what part of the Middle East he's from.
Sophia: Blanche, a terrible thing has happened to you. But when life does something like this, there are a couple of things you got to remember. You got your health, right?
Blanche: Yeah.
Sophia: You can still walk, can't you?
Blanche: That's true.
Sophia: Great, go get me a glass of water.
Blanche: I have writer's block. It's the worst feeling in the world.
Sophia: Try ten days without a bowel movement sometime.
Rose: [Rose is checking Sophia into the hospital] Name?
Sophia: Zulu, Queen of the Dwarf People.
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