Friday, August 1, 2008


My goal in life is to be thin without having to exercise. Not very realistic huh? And probably not healthy in the long run. But! My Mom is thin and doesn't exercise. She also doesn't eat sweets. I love anything sugary and creamy.
Now, I love the way I look. Round, hairy, with cellulite jiggle - there is just more of me to love! But, when I don't fit into the two suits I have (which I tried on for an interview today) I got a problem. I can't afford a new suit, which would be a waste of money anyway. So basically I've got to quit shoving my face with chocolate and chips (and chocolate chips) and hop on that treadmill a couple times a week. So sad. I enjoy being a lush.
A few months ago I was all about the diet. And then I realized that being thin leads to being hit on by guys and when that happens I often make poor decisions. Okay I got it: be thin by not drinking. (I don't drink much now, poverty reinforces sobriety) and not going out.
Here's something I really love: spinach and artichoke dip. whoooeee. If you know of anything better to eat, let me know. Stuffed mushrooms are also pretty good. As is goat cheese veggie pizza. Yummo. Fried tofu is the bomb. I gotta make that tonight.

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