Tuesday, November 11, 2008

High Heel Boots

Hello Friends,
While my ankle is healing well, I haven't put on a pair of stilettos in weeks. (A sprained ankle is a proper, wonderful excuse not to exercise.) The cold weather forced me to pull out my black ankle boots with thick heels that are about 2-3 inches. So far no problems and I've enjoyed the extra height. It's kind of fun to look down at people (most rude to say, I know). Walking in the boots worked my calves, so that was cool. No reaction from other people of course.
I haven't gone outside yet today. Not that I am deterred by the weather! True Chicagoans never are...(we wish). My Mom is sick with a cold today so I stayed home to take care of her. It's hard to be her nurse because taking care of others is so deeply engrained in her that I had to force her to rest in bed.
Valerie by Amy Winehouse is a great song. Just throwing that out there.

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