Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hello All,

Here are some more inconsequential stories from my daily life. (Wouldn't my blog be more interesting if I wrote about funny stuff?)
So, I was asked to semi-housesit for a neighbor, to keep their cat company. I thought I would have plenty of time to go over to their well-appointed home to hang out and cuddle the cat (to which I am only a little allergic), but it turns out that I work at night a lot! I haven't really paid that much attention because this is my life: working small jobs, babysitting, proctoring, etc. But then, I was at Cosi ordering a salad before proctoring on Wednesday night and the man who makes the sandwiches and salads said that my eyes looked tired! He asked if I worked a lot and I said "yes, I was about to go to my second job of the day" and he asked how many I work and I thought...."three?" I asked how many he worked and he said just the one at Cosi. The older man with the crap job in food services was pitying me! Can you believe such a thing?
I'm trying to get myself over to the neighbor's house to spend some time with the ancient cat. But first I want to relate another story.
Gosh I'm sleepy.
Okay, back to the point. I've noticed a big problem with internet fueled dating and flirting, at least for me. I will talk to a person and be all nice and involved and forget to look at their picture - or if I do, I hope that it isn't representative. Then I see the person face-to-face and have to be like, "oh actually I don't feel any chemistry," without adding "because you are heinously unattractive in real life." And then the man is all confused, because actually his photo was representative and I had just chosen to hope for the best. So then I feel guilty about that. Oh well.
I'm actually on a hiatus from men right now because I got to figure out how to get my self to Washington DC and get a job on Capitol Hill. Fingers crossed on that one.
Okay tut tut everyone. Til next time!

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