Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Knickerbocker Hotel Wedding

So last Saturday I went to my friend's wedding at the Knickerbocker Hotel. It was textbook elegant and glamorous. The service was very lovely, with some prayers. And there were 9 groomsmen to 6 bridesmaids! Sadly, most of the men there were married, so it was slim pickins for me. However, this man sitting next to me paid me dozens of compliments, although it became kind of creepy and weird when he suggested a long distance relationship. Enough said.

The glorious part was I had the most beautiful dress in the world. Given, it is the most beautiful, luxurious, gorgeous dress for a woman of my body type and coloring. The saleslady at Neiman Marcus said that everyone who tries on this dress buys it, and to be sure, when I tried it on, I fell in love. I was hit with a big one: pure silk, deep violet color, gorgeous flowers on the sleeve, elegant draping was meant to be. It's exorbitant cost was split by my Mother and me; I am to pay her back in three monthly installments of $100. I have never owned anything this expensive, except perhaps for a string of pearls that my parents gave me for high school graduation, and maybe the sapphire ring I received for college graduation. Anyway, I had a great time at the wedding. And I loved my dress. AND managed not to spill anything on it!

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