My friend is pregnant and I am totally jealous.
You get so much attention when you are pregnant and everybody loves you.
You are your boyfriend/husband's primary concern.
People throw showers for you.
You get to pick out birth announcement stationery.
And names.
You get to eat and sleep a lot. And be fussed over.
You don't have to work full-time. (if your partner is rich enough)
My bra is too tight and my stomach has been upset all day. Was it Monday, my skirt being too tight? or was the jealousy eating my stomach lining? At any rate, I felt really beat today, so I found an empty committee room and took a nap. Felt awesome. Then I had to return to my desk and feel deadened by my job. ugh.
I super want to get married. It's a terrible desire when you have no money and a boyfriend of only a few months who is younger than you and has no expectation to propose.
Another high school friend was married yesterday.
Wish I had some witty line to insert somewhere, such as "I like to picture Jesus like a mischievous badger."
Wish I had some witty line to insert somewhere, such as "I like to picture Jesus like a mischievous badger."
By the way, Cold Case Files was really good today. It was the episode about the serial rapist who asks to be put away for life.
I'm also pissed because I've gained 3-4 lbs in the past month or so. I'm betting 50% of is is a direct result of my newfound penchant for homemade cookies with my coffee in the morning (and the afternoon, evening, night). Or it could be that I've stopped exercising...Well I never really exercised. I did have a free gym membership for a week. And then I walked more before the blizzard and nasty weather set in. I have the Cherry Blossom 5k to run in a month. Fortunately, today I kicked myself into sending in the application for the AOC Fitness Center. Agh. Time for more wine.