I often think about this blog and feel guilty for abandoning it. One should always finish what one starts!
The place where I work has expressly forbidden its employees to blog about the office, so that takes away a great topic of conversation. And somehow writing about going to Marshalls just isn't exciting. I did, however, finally get to Sticky Fingers Bakery. Their carrot cake cupcake was DELICIOUS and I couldn't tell that it was vegan at all.
I spent a lot of time outside today. I walked to the bakery and back (2-3 miles), ran to DuPont Circle this morning because I was terribly late to proctor tests, walked to the circle again this evening.
I've been reading "Appointment in Samara" by John O'Hara. Its setting is similar to the early novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald. (My favorite author, with Edith Wharton and Margaret Atwood.)
Last night I watched "Revolutionary Road" which is a quietly devastating film. I had sympathy for Leonardo DiCaprio's character - a boy trying to figure out how to be a man/husband and father. Kate Winslet's character, April, the wife of Frank Wheeler, was less sympathetic. She really was a drama queen and pushing her husband to be whom she wanted to be herself. It was all rather odd. And deeply sad. I like the Mad Men look of the film, though.
Tonight I also talked to a former lover, which was nice and melancholic at the same time. We've been through so much together - put each other through so much! - and now we are like combat buddies. Time and distance has cleared away the relationship debris (what a furious storm it was at times) and I can look back with calm and some nostalgia. I was so happy when he would let me be.
Enough about all that! What an odd place for my mind to go at this late hour. I must be very tired.