Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Since I'm not going to be dramatic in person...

Why doesn't he wear a wedding ring? Why did he not tell me he is married until I asked a month after we met? Why did he do all those exceptional things for me? It doesn't make any sense. Why did he talk about how much he loves his wife and children the whole time? agh!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A New Vegan?

So I was reading "Skinny Bitch" which I finally broke down and paid for (discount through Amazon of course! So much for supporting local Kramerbooks). And it details the meat and poultry industry in a way that turns your stomach. Reading the history of the dairy movement and how it's really not designed for human bodies, and thus we have trouble digesting it, brought back the words of my dermatologist who suggested that I might have a dairy allergy. Last December I had tried to replace milk with soy milk on my morning cereal but found that I'd rather have rosacea than do that.
Finally, this morning I managed to break out of my denial and lethargy, went to Whole Foods, bought a different brand of soy milk. Had it on my granola, didn't taste super good but it was also warm and I'm used to cold milk. Anyway, I'm going to have to cut out cheese (which apparently is designed to make us crave it like little crack addicts), and eggs.
To this Herculean task I raise a glass. I told myself that if I can eat dairy free for a week then I will reward myself with Bloom lip gloss ($20) which I love love love.
As luck would have it, I found a store that carries Bloom on my walk this afternoon. I've run across only one other store that carries it, in Chicago, and they stopped a year ago. It seems to be fate!
Alright, I will keep you apprised of my challenges and success.
On another note, I think about boys too much.
I had the idea today, what if I had not called and pursued the young man who became my boyfriend my freshman year of college? Would my college life have been easier?
Enough for tonight.